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Aluminium is a traditional gift symbol for the 10th Wedding Anniversary.

It is also a popular choice for the 10th wedding anniversary because it is a very affordable option.

Aluminium is a very versatile metal that can be used in many different ways, including as an alloy with other metals to make alloys more durable and resistant to corrosion. It has been used for thousands of years as an architectural material due to its strength, affordability and durability.

Because aluminium is such a common element in the earth’s crust (it’s present in most rocks), it can be mined from the ground. The only by-product of aluminium production is oxygen gas which can be easily captured by simply flushing it into the air. Aluminium recycling has become increasingly important as well since aluminium cans are made from recycled aluminium which means that every time you recycle your cans you are making use of previously used materials which makes them more sustainable than using new materials each time they are needed.

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