12th wedding anniversary gifts and ideas

  • Traditional List Gifts

    Linen, SilkLinen gifts, ideal for your traditional 12th wedding anniversary
    silk traditional wedding anniversary gifts
  • Modern List Gifts

    Pearlspearls modern wedding anniversary gifts
  • Gemstone List Gifts

    Agategemstone wedding anniversary gifts agate
  • Flower List Gifts

    Peoniesappropriate flower wedding anniversary gifts peonies

Twelve years of love, a journey so divine,
A bond that’s grown, a love that’s intertwined.
To mark this special day, a gift is due,
Something that celebrates your love anew.

For the twelfth anniversary, the theme is silk,
A symbol of elegance and love’s luxury ilk.
From clothing to homeware and more,
There’s so much to choose from in store.

Consider a silk scarf to adorn your love’s neck,
Or a silk pillowcase for your love’s peaceful trek.
A personalised silk robe for your love’s comfort zone,
Or a silk tie to show your love’s style on its own.

Whatever you choose, let it be,
A symbol of your love and unity.
A gift to cherish, to hold and behold,
And a reminder of the memories yet to unfold.

12th wedding anniversary gifts have a traditional theme of Silk or Linen. A Contemporary or Modern Twelfth anniversary gift has a theme of Pearls. The flowers associated with the 12th anniversary are Peonies. The Gemstone list shows Agate associated with the 12th Wedding Anniversary.

What is 12th wedding anniversary gift in the UK?

Traditionally, 12th wedding anniversary gifts have a theme of Silk or Linen. A Contemporary or Modern twelfth-anniversary gift has a theme of Pearls. The flowers associated with the 12th anniversary are Peonies. The Gemstone list shows Agate associated with the 12th year. Check out our blog post for more 12th-anniversary gift ideas for your loved ones.

For gifts and ideas that are deliverable promptly to UK addresses Shop for 12th Anniversary Gifts
