Cotton Gifts

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Cotton is the traditional gift symbol for the 2nd wedding anniversary.

This is a symbol of marital harmony and togetherness, as well as a reminder of the importance of communication in marriage.

In many parts of the world, the cotton plant represents fertility, prosperity and good luck.

The cotton plant is a major agricultural crop that has been around for more than 6,000 years. It’s grown all over the world, and there are many different varieties of cotton, which range from fine to coarse and from bright white to almost black.

Cotton can be used in many ways: it can be spun into thread or yarn, woven into cloth and sewn into clothing or bedding. Cotton can also be bleached or dyed to produce different colours.

Cotton fabric is used in many types of clothing such as denim jeans, shirts and jackets and even underwear (or “drawers”). Cotton sheets are also very popular because they’re comfortable and easy to clean (you just throw them in the washing machine).
