Deluxe Gerbera Bouquet


The Deluxe Gerbera Bouquet is a stunning hand-tied bouquet of 30 stems of Gerbera daisies. It is the perfect gift for your 5th wedding anniversary.

The Gerbera daisies are a symbol of love and purity, making this bouquet a truly meaningful gift.

The vibrant colours of the flowers will fill any room with happiness and joy. The bouquet comes in a beautiful gift box, making it an extra special present.

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SKU: dataf25298949997


Your 5th wedding anniversary is a special milestone in your relationship – one that deserves to be celebrated with a beautiful bouquet of Gerbera daisies.

The Deluxe Gerbera Bouquet from post-a-rose is the perfect way to show your spouse how much you care. This hand-tied bouquet features 30 stems of gorgeous Gerbera daisies in a variety of colours, making it a truly eye-catching arrangement.

Gerbera daisies are known for their symbol of happiness and joy, making them the perfect choice for an anniversary gift. With their vibrant colours and long-lasting blooms, these flowers will bring a smile to your spouse’s face for days to

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